On February 29, 2024 KPTS Channel 8 PBS station aired Kansas from Above: Cities and Towns. North Newton was one of the featured cities and former City Administrator John Torline gave a historical perspective. Click here to watch - North Newton from Above . Also, several years prior to that KPTS Channel 8 PBS station aired a promotional video on North Newton. Click here to watch - KPTS Promotional Video
North Newton City Hall
2601 N. Main Street; P.O. Box 87 North Newton, KS 67117 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM - Noon Telephone: 316.283.7633 Police Department: 316.283.3191 Call 911 in an emergency Follow us on Facebook Facebook.com/northnewton |
North Newton CalendarNORTH NEWTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONThe North Newton Community Foundation was formed in December 2011 and is affiliated with the Central Kansas Community Foundation. The goal of the foundation is to establish a means to benefit a wide variety of non-profit organizations in their efforts to improve health care, human services, education, arts and culture or other charitable initiatives which enhance the North Newton community.
Be watching in your October ECHO newsletter in your water bill for Fall Clean Up Week details. CITY FLAG COMPETITION Voting began September 9 for the City Flag Competition. North Newton citizens can vote for their favorite flag design on Facebook, or by paper ballot at City Hall or Kidron Bethel Village. Voting goes through September 22. Design Criteria: keep it simple, use meaningful symbolism and only 2-3 colors, no lettering or seals, be distinctive, relative and timeless. Selection Process: After the public voting phase, the top few will go before a scoring committee who will make a recommendation to the City Council for adoption. UPDATE ON SEARCH FOR A CITY ADMINISTRATOR Kyle Fiedler, our City Administrator for three years, left August 2 to become Valley Center's Community Development Director. Many applications were received during the advertising phase. Applicants are now being evaluated and interviews are taking place. Former City Administrator, John Torline, has returned as Interim City Administrator. He will be in the office generally Mondays and Fridays. LOBBY SHRED EVENT COMING THIS NOVEMBER Mark your calendars for North Newton's third annual Lobby Shred Days November 5-7. Bring your sensitive documents to the City Hall lobby and place in bins. The bins are transported off-site at the end of the week for shredding. This service is meant for sensitive documents in order to cut down on fraud and identity theft. NO CD's, non-paper media, plastic bags, hardbound books, magazines or newspapers accepted. PLASTIC BAG COLLECTION A collection receptacle is located in the City Hall lobby for plastic bags, wraps and film. They must be clean and dry with all paper labels removed. See the graphic below for the types of plastics that are accepted. Do not include the following: frozen food bags, candy bar wrappers, chip bags, net or mesh produce bags, pet food bags, compostable bags, pre-washed salad bags, meat or hot dog packaging, six-pack rings, plastic gloves, lamination film, vinyl curtains or tablecovers, bedding packaging, shiny/crinkly floral wrap. As a general rule: if the plastic stretches it can be included; if it's shiny or crinkly/crunchy sounding do not include it. North Newton is more than just a dot on the map. We are a vibrant community with a rich history and a promising future. We are The Little Town that Could!