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CONTRACTORS in the building trades are to be licensed in North Newton prior to performing work within the city (Ord. 609-16). This is an annual license. Also to be included with an application are a current contractor license from another city and in most cases a Certificate of Liability Insurance. Roofers must also be registered with the Kansas Attorney General's office per the Kansas Roofing Registration Act.
Contractor License Application & Renewal Form
BUILDING PERMITS are available at North Newton City Hall or by calling and requesting a faxed or emailed version. They also can be printed directly from the following links:
Application for Building Permit
Application for Mechanical Permit
Application for Plumbing, Gas & Water Treatment System Permit
Application for Electrical Permit
Application for Sign, Awning, Canopy & Marquee Permit
Application for Excavation & Pavement Curb Cut Permit
Application for ROW Excavation
Application for Miscellaneous, Wrecking & Moving Permit
Permit Fee Schedule (Ord. 652-23)
Backflow Prevention Device Test Report
All applications are to be completely filled out by the applicant. Permit fees may be paid at City Hall, by mail, or online at https://www.northnewton.org (select Pay Online then the Miscellaneous option).
No work for which a permit is required may commence without the approved permit(s). Fees are doubled if found that work has begun before being permitted (Ord. 652-23).
Many home improvements, repairs or updates to mechanical systems, plumbing or gas, and electrical wiring require permits. While most permits are approved within one day, there is a maximum 10-day turn-around period. The clerk's office will notify you if the permit has been approved or denied.
Required on all new construction: 1) a certified survey of the building site; 2) set of plans with elevations (pdf or 8.5"x11" print); 3) general, electrical, plumbing/gas, mechanical permit applications; 4) water/sewer service application.
Required on additions to current structures or accessory structures on a lot: 1) a plot plan where structure will sit on lot, including dimensions and measurements from property line and street; 2) permit applications pertaining to the structure; 3) a stake-out inspection before permit application is signed off and work commencing; 4) location of underground utilities.
Required on solar array installations: 1) stamped engineer's structural letter; 2) set of plans (pdf or 8.5"x11" print); 3) general and electrical permit applications. Plans must conform to 2018 International Fire Code, Building Code and Residential Code. Installation companies must be currently licensed in the City of North Newton.
All such construction must be inspected by the local building inspector. Call North Newton City Hall to schedule all inspections. In most cases the City of Newton Engineering Dept. will perform the inspections as part of an annual contract North Newton has with them. Inspection results are kept in an individual address's permanent file.
For each inspection required because of work previously inspected and found in noncompliance with Ord. 652-23, a fee of $80 per inspection shall be invoiced to the permit holder and payable to the City. The failed inspection fee shall be paid prior to any re-inspection of the work scheduled. In the event that a permit holder does not pay the fees, the City reserves the right to revoke the issued building permit.
Inspections performed by the North Newton Public Works Director: stake-out, temporary electrical for job sites, driveway approaches, and curb cuts.
Other inspections performed, but not limited to: footings, foundations, basement soil pipe, rough plumbing/electrical/ mechanical/framing, electric service, sewer service, gas service, final plumbing/electrical/mechanical/building.
All final inspections must pass before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the City of North Newton on applicable projects.
QUESTIONS? Call or email: 316.283.7633; depcc@northnewton.org or nncity@northnewton.org
City of North Newton
2601 N. Main Street
P.O. Box 87
North Newton KS 67117
Contractor License Application & Renewal Form
BUILDING PERMITS are available at North Newton City Hall or by calling and requesting a faxed or emailed version. They also can be printed directly from the following links:
Application for Building Permit
Application for Mechanical Permit
Application for Plumbing, Gas & Water Treatment System Permit
Application for Electrical Permit
Application for Sign, Awning, Canopy & Marquee Permit
Application for Excavation & Pavement Curb Cut Permit
Application for ROW Excavation
Application for Miscellaneous, Wrecking & Moving Permit
Permit Fee Schedule (Ord. 652-23)
Backflow Prevention Device Test Report
All applications are to be completely filled out by the applicant. Permit fees may be paid at City Hall, by mail, or online at https://www.northnewton.org (select Pay Online then the Miscellaneous option).
No work for which a permit is required may commence without the approved permit(s). Fees are doubled if found that work has begun before being permitted (Ord. 652-23).
Many home improvements, repairs or updates to mechanical systems, plumbing or gas, and electrical wiring require permits. While most permits are approved within one day, there is a maximum 10-day turn-around period. The clerk's office will notify you if the permit has been approved or denied.
Required on all new construction: 1) a certified survey of the building site; 2) set of plans with elevations (pdf or 8.5"x11" print); 3) general, electrical, plumbing/gas, mechanical permit applications; 4) water/sewer service application.
Required on additions to current structures or accessory structures on a lot: 1) a plot plan where structure will sit on lot, including dimensions and measurements from property line and street; 2) permit applications pertaining to the structure; 3) a stake-out inspection before permit application is signed off and work commencing; 4) location of underground utilities.
Required on solar array installations: 1) stamped engineer's structural letter; 2) set of plans (pdf or 8.5"x11" print); 3) general and electrical permit applications. Plans must conform to 2018 International Fire Code, Building Code and Residential Code. Installation companies must be currently licensed in the City of North Newton.
All such construction must be inspected by the local building inspector. Call North Newton City Hall to schedule all inspections. In most cases the City of Newton Engineering Dept. will perform the inspections as part of an annual contract North Newton has with them. Inspection results are kept in an individual address's permanent file.
For each inspection required because of work previously inspected and found in noncompliance with Ord. 652-23, a fee of $80 per inspection shall be invoiced to the permit holder and payable to the City. The failed inspection fee shall be paid prior to any re-inspection of the work scheduled. In the event that a permit holder does not pay the fees, the City reserves the right to revoke the issued building permit.
Inspections performed by the North Newton Public Works Director: stake-out, temporary electrical for job sites, driveway approaches, and curb cuts.
Other inspections performed, but not limited to: footings, foundations, basement soil pipe, rough plumbing/electrical/ mechanical/framing, electric service, sewer service, gas service, final plumbing/electrical/mechanical/building.
All final inspections must pass before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the City of North Newton on applicable projects.
QUESTIONS? Call or email: 316.283.7633; depcc@northnewton.org or nncity@northnewton.org
City of North Newton
2601 N. Main Street
P.O. Box 87
North Newton KS 67117
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