ELECTRICITY:  Evergy https://www.evergy.com
  • Billing, customer service and to establish or change electric service: 800-826-0026
  • To report a streetlight outage or an electric outage go to website, click on Outages, Report an Outage
  • To report an electrical outage by telephone:  800-544-4857 (800-LIGHT-KS)
GAS:  Kansas Gas Service https://www.kansasgasservice.com
  • Billing, customer service and to establish or change gas service:  800-794-4780
  • To report gas leak emergencies: 888-482-4950
   AT&T:   https://www.att.com
   COX  COMMUNICATIONS:   https://www.cox.co
   IDEATEK:   https://ideatek.com
   DIRECTTV:   https://www.directv.com

MAIL:  North Newton Post Office is located at 2525 North Main Street
Telephone:  316-283-6350
Some North Newton addresses require a Post Office box.  Please check with the Post Office.

KANSAS ONE CALL:  https://www.kansas811.com/homeowners/
Go to website or call before you dig, 811 or 800-344-7233, for free location of all utility service lines. For example, if you are planting trees call five days in advance.

COMMUNITY ROOM: The North Newton Council Room is available for rent to the community.  The capacity is 70 people, but seats 40 people comfortably around tables.  A small kitchen is available.  The rental fee is $50 for North Newton residents and $75 for non-North Newton residents.  Groups renting for the purpose of sales, business ventures or commercial reasons are charged $150.  Click here for rental guidelines.  Call 316-283-7633 to reserve.

CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Monthly City Council meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm. at City Hall.  The meetings are open to the public.  An agenda is posted on our Facebook page and on this website (under Your Government) the Friday before every meeting.

VOTING AND VOTER REGISTRATION: Voter registration forms are available at https://www.hvcoksvote.gov. Registered voters of North Newton vote in person at the city hall building on election days.  Specific questions can be directed to the Harvey County Election Office, 316-284-6840.

4TH OF JULY:  Fireworks can be discharged in North Newton only on July 4th between 10 a.m. and midnight.  Ordinance 444-99 defines fireworks as "class C fireworks" and as "common fireworks".

HARVEY COUNTY TRANSFER STATION:  Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility located at 3308 SW 24th, Newton (1/2 mile south of WalMart on South Kansas and 1 1/2 miles west on SW 24th); composting area available.
Telephone:  316-283-5439        Hours:  Mon-Fri 8am-4:45pm; Sat 8am-12:45pm

INTANGIBLES TAX:  North Newton levies an intangible tax.  This is a tax on interest and dividend earnings.  Persons who have such income are required to complete Kansas Tax Form 200.  This form is filed with your Kansas income tax form each spring.  The State of Kansas notifies the Harvey County Clerk of the filing.  The County Clerk in turn posts the tax on the individual property tax statement.  The tax is then collected in the same manner as the property owner's ad valorem property tax.  Your accountant should be aware of this requirement. 

ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION:  located in the City Hall parking lot; free of charge

AIR HOSE:  free air for your vehicle and bicycle tires; located on the southwest corner of City Hall



WATER HARDNESS:  250 mg/L or 14.62 grains per gallon

ISO Rating:  Class 2